Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sherry McDowell Bretz- a holocaust is taking place in the world. So many people are blind not to see it. People are being executed and offered to the anti Christ. Mass genocide is occurring all over the world. Society is being over stimulated by the media, entertainment and technology. I am held prisoner by a deadly evil group that is trying to conquer the world and spread darkness to every country and invade minds and create slaves. Only God hears my prayers. I am in horrendous pain today. I revealed information and resisted this evil group who keeps trying to possess enslave and devour me through dark armies and wealthy financiers. They have destroyed my body inch by inch and said and done the most cruel things. I emailed a detective in Las Angeles yesterday to explain the latest findings and this group attacked my spine all night. I received lab results yesterday that gave me hope. They try to destroy all hope.I had been told for years that I was pre menopausal. The dark group that has a special interest in me had attacked my thyroid and reproductive system every night in an attempt to destroy my female parts and everything that made me feel good to exist and slowly murder me. Some said they were gay and said a witch couldn't have children. They told me they  would destroy christians. My family doctor said I was going through menopause after this group started attacking me with advanced weapons because they made things stop working and my thyroid become under active. I just assumed I was in the late stages of menopause until test results yesterday revealed my reproductive system is perfectly normal. The doctor suspected they had given me a stroke two weeks ago. He said my slurred speech dizziness and elevated blood pressure were warning signs. He has treated me for over ten years and never noticed that in any visit. He treats elderly stroke patients. He ordered blood work to see if I had high cholesterol. He told me to come back in a week to see if l display stroke symptoms. If I do he's sending me for brain tests This group has told me they will destroy my mind, give me a heart attack and cerebral hemorage. . My home is bugged. This evil group even put assassins in my neighborhood to threaten and monitor me. They say I am their slave on line and everything I create is their's and they will torture me and drain my spirit until they kill me for the anti Christ. They keep sending me demonic things. There is nothing to stop me from living a full life but this group. They have made me handicapped. There is nothing to stop me from conceiving a child if I want one. They attacked my spine again last night. They like to attack the rotary cough, brain, eyes and heart. Today I hurt to move and it's impossible to stand straight. I told them yesterday they can't have our life's savings and they attacked me worse. They are heartless. They even attacked my husband at the same time. They are killers. What kind of country lets evil killers torture you in your own home and conduct unholy experiments with terrorist armies using advanced weapons along with satellites and monitoring devices to terrorize you and induce fear? What sort of group puts darkness and demons in books and films and lets the media terrorize a society by it? They have permitted the same group to use demonology and mind control on people and put the demonic symbols, objects and spells in movies. Hitler was a servant of the anti Christ. These people think they are the anti Christ. They have chosen me for some bizarre ritual. They are using film, wealth and technology to bring the devil into existence and creating a real holocaust in peoples lives including mine through local armies and blood thirsty killers who think nothing of human life. They are gaining more followers each day and creating more slaves because they are protected. They say I am powerless against their weapons and their armies. None around me understands the weapons they are using. None in law enforcement is trying to prevent this or conduct an investigation or save our lives. Too many people are eating the devils food. They are ingesting the devils poison through their lifestyle and evil behavior and willingness to obey satan and embrace the dark side and prey on the righteous and civilized people who see the darkness and try to remove it. Those of us who see the truth and embrace our savoir are doomed. They won't stop they tell me until they have destroyed my mind or murdered me because I resist them. When I give my evidence to law enforcement and attorneys nothing gets done. The evidence and truth has been put out since 2007 in this country and around the world by me. I contacted churches, detective agencies, the police, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, Universities, computer experts, various world leaders and state leaders and none is concerned about changing this or getting involved. None cares to protect children or save the world or stop this evil and investigate this technology or the damage it is doing to people and the environment. They don't care about the mind control weapons that are going up around the world in public places and the new inventions that are controlling people and deadening minds or violent movies, computer games and new technology that are enslaving humanity. They just don't care. they seem possessed or mind controlled. Half of them act high or evil and possessed by greed and arrogance. They are just wasted blind and stupid in my opinion. They act hopeless, deranged and detached from reality. They discard the truth or pretend not to see it and don't have an ounce of love or respect for humanity. They don't even like themselves to permit themselves to be treated this way. They are doomed. Something wicked this way has come and deceived them all. When I present evidence to attorneys like Burt Field and others they either tell me they represent the film and publishing group that is attacking me or they have been paid off and become a part of this dark group. You would not believe how many attorneys are afraid to touch this group. In 2004 I started sending hard drive evidence to different lawyers and asking for advice. You wouldn't believe how many have been paid to keep the victims from getting powerful legal representation and a fair chance at success and survival. I wish someone would publish my story and create a firm of lawyers who will accept the evidence of various broken victims around the world and be willing to expose these people and prosecute and prove that a holocaust is taking place and the world is being run by monsters. If people can't get financial reimbursement or protection because they are enslaved like me and under lock and key by the devil, monitoring devices and terrorist armies perhaps they can give the message to the world and find peace. We need a data base to collect evidence. If someone will put my story out people won't live in the dark anymore. sherry bretz (holocaust victim in the United States

author Sherry McDowell Bretz copyright protected (c) April 11, 2015

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